Originally Posted By: Ken Hume

I would encourage you all to start examining possible fact based suggestions in respect of the potential use of this symbol. Some of the uses suggested thus far appear to be somewhat speculative and with others being downright misleading.

If this symbol is not needed to layout and cut frames today then why might it have been needed centuries ago ?

This symbol is probably found in only 5% maximum of houses, cottages and barns in SE England but can sometimes be found on items of furniture like bedsteads in Scotland.

Is this symbol found in North America and if yes what is its geographic spread and likely date range of use ?


Ken Hume


Of course some of these posts have been speculative. We are trying to grasp at a topic that is notoriously ambiguous. My pagan suggestions are based on loose references from your own country (and I will post these soon)... This is how we learn on a medium such as this forum where most of us are poking 'round in the dark. We suggest ideas and see if anyone else has supporting information, etc. There is no harm in this at all.

I encourage you to share w/ us more of what you know about the wheel. It's clear you follow this topic closely. Come down and chat w/ the rest of us. As you can see, we need concrete snippets like "5% maximum of houses, cottages and barns in SE England but can sometimes be found on items of furniture like bedsteads in Scotland."

Don Perkins
Member, TFG

to know the trees...