Originally Posted By: Tom Cundiff

All the Daisy Wheels intersect at the center point in the Dandelion Sphere.
Each point on the outside of the Sphere is the intersect of 3 "wheels". 12 cubed.
3 is the magic number because we're dealing with equilateral triangles that make up a regular tetrahedron. Three lines meeting at 60 deg. just like the Daisy Wheel.

If you take 3 equilateral triangles or half a Daisy Wheel and cut them out and fold them to make a 3D object (a regular tetrahedron), You magically get a fourth equilateral triangle. 3 x 4 = 12

3 x 3 x 3 = 27. or 3 cubed ( there's the 27 ) and 3 cubed x 64 = 12 cubed

Remember thats One, Two, Three. Three licks to the center of a Tootsiepop. very important.

Lest we not forget, Daisy Wheels have 6 points and everything is 60 deg., and then they have a dark side or Yin to their Yang, 6 points half way in between, That makes 12 and also gives us 30 & 90 deg. If you divide the wheel again you get 24 points and 15 & 45 deg. If you divide the Daisy Wheel any further you get nothing but nasty fractions, 22 1/2, 11 1/4, 5 5/8, ...... Not much use to a carpenter, unless you are doing mitre cuts, then it's exactly what you need. I'd be hard pressed to set my Starrett protractor to 5/8 of a deg.

The axle width combined with wheel offset determines the space between your wheels. If the wheels have to much back spacing they may not clear your brake calipers.

Happy Wheelin'

More corrections.

Not all who wander are lost.