Originally Posted By: Ken Hume
Hi Don,

A minor point of correction. Until a few years ago the English were mainly Anglo-Saxon with a smattering of Jute / Norman / Viking / Dane / Roman, etc. Celts are indigenous to Ireland with many of these people relocating later to Scotland. Wales also has a high Celtic constituent in ts population. Celts are dark haired, fair skinned and their first toe is longer or sticks out further than their big toe. The Druids did not build Stonehenge -they came much later.

Your points about Paganism are well made and I find myself having much in common with their thoughts, attitudes and respect of nature and the seasons in their approach to life. Quite sensible really.


Ken Hume


Please correct me in regards to your homeland. I should have said the UK, not England specifically.

As an aside, my first toe is longer than my "big toe." Never heard the Celt connection w/ this. My ancestry is mostly English and German. Very interesting.

So who built Stonehenge? Or is this one of the great mysteries?
It was built by pagans, however, no?

I too find myself aligning with "pagan" thoughts, attitudes and respect of nature and the seasons in their approach to life.

Interesting to consider that the religions based on "One God" have typically been the conquerors of history, ramming their ideology down the throats (and minds) of the indigenous. The Crusades and the Persian empire certainly have a track record in this regard.

But the Mongols, those who conquered more land and people in all of history, what "religion" did they follow?

By contrast, pagans have been largely peaceful throughout history.

Don Perkins
Member, TFG

to know the trees...