Hey Tim,

Yeah, I know. You're right: a jowled post might require less hewing... Still a big cross-section even w/ using a butt-end log. The butt tapers in all directions.

What I should have said in more detail was hewing is only part of the prep in a jowled post. Some of these look pretty elobrate-- can have two tenons: one for plate, another for tie beam, etc. Scribing all those connections is a whole other layer of work. The top of a CG post has but one tenon/joint to contend with.

Also, finding enough suitable but-end logs to hew may not have always been practical. ...like I said, who knows?


But you lucky Dog! Signing up for the daisy wheel workshop! That's great. I would love this opportunity, but I doubt I'll be able to scrape up the wherewithall of class, lodging and tools. And w/ only 18 slots, it'll likely fill before I can manage it.

Glad to hear an active forum member like yourself is going. Be sure to probe Laurie Smith w/ questions about fractals and black holes grin

Last edited by OurBarns1; 05/31/09 09:11 PM. Reason: all directions

Don Perkins
Member, TFG

to know the trees...