We own three 10" saws: The Makita, the Bigfoot, and one from Milwaukee.

The Milwaukee is junk - hard to set depth and angle, and both will slip. Milwaukee's still my first choice for a big 1/2" drill or sawzall, but their 10" circ saw is just awful.

In our experience, the Makita is superior to the Bigfoot. The bigfoot is an aftermarket adaptation to a saw motor designed for 7" blades. It seems underpowered. And the base is not as big as the Makita. So when we need a 10" saw, everyone in my shop would reach for the Makita first.

It is nice to have a 10" saw that tilts the opposite direction, though. When doing compound joinery, the need arises to make a bevel cut that does not go all the way through, and there are usually two timbers that are mirror images, one requiring a left bevel, and the other a right. So we keep the bigfoot around for that. CB.

Clark Bremer
Proud Member of the TFG