Originally posted by cabowen:
Has anyone used this wood for a timber frame? Any reason not to? Any feedback appreciated. Thank you.
Problem is arborists' names and foresters' names are not consistent with each other. Robinia is the black or yellow locust, has extremely fragrant flowers, (white) and seldom could make a mast at all (here in Missouri anyway) because of tendency to decay easily (while alive). I've NEVER seen a tree that oculd make a sawlog, much less a post.
Honeylocust (Gleditsia)is very durable, decay resistant and could make a decent post, if ever one could be found tall and straight. Maybe grown close together?
Both are legumes. Whatever else this "mast locust" is, it is probably a legume as well, but I doubt either of these two trees.
The earlier description of the thorns was accurate. The one with the brutal, long thorns is honeylocust.