Hi Thane & Don,

The list is now revised to include your suggestions :-

Conservation, Preservation, Restoration, Refurbishment, Repair (Fix), Replacement, Delapidate, Demolish, Salvage, Reuse, Conversion (Adaptive Reuse), Change, Alter.

I think that we must recognise that there are bound to be slight differences in interpretation or understanding of the meaning of US / UK terminology.

Can we now have a go at defining what these words mean ? This is not a grammer lesson but more an attempt at defining legitimate approaches that could be employed with buildings under differing circumstances.


"Preservation" - works aimed at stabilising the current condition of a building without making fundamental improvement changes to same.

"Restoration" - works aimed at taking a building back to a previously known condition generally at a recognised period in time. Could imply removal or reversal of later alterations and additions.

Agree / disagree ?


Ken Hume


Ken Hume

Looking back to see the way ahead !