Can I turn the question around for a try? Here goes anyway. I'm working on a, let's say, project, a part of which is a window, badly rotted by now. This window is not original but has been there for some time and I decided to keep it. Taking it out I pried up the wooden strips holding shards of broken glass panes, bundled them and set them, with the nails, aside. Then I cut out water rotted wood and lightly cleaned off the whole window.
With PVAC glue I glued in new wood but, consciously, not of the same species, just what I had on hand, imagining that's what a carpenter in a village would have done 100 years ago. I shaped the pieces with hand tools, some of which had been standing in that place as long as the window itself had been. With the wood strips and original nails I had set aside I put 125 year-old hand made glass panes in where the broken ones had been and remounted the window.
So, if my accounting is complete and correct, just what did I do?

Don W.

Last edited by Cecile en Don Wa; 10/13/09 08:19 AM.