Hi guys! I never expected such a nice response, so quickly.

A reciprocating floor is one where no timber spans the overall space; it allows the use of nothing but small timbers to cover a large area. It, frankly, makes me a little nervous, as it only derives it strength from the quality of the notches and can certainly sag over time if not done correctly. With my propensity for overbuilding everything, I will probably wuss out and add some load bearing columns, or some such, just in case.

Here are a couple of examples:


dang, Ray, you flatter me. Poet has a nice ring to it. smile

@ Thane: That is exactly the way I think about it, too. No matter what one calls one's self, it really comes down to craftmanship, right? either you "got" it or you don't, no matter the names used.

I try hard to have a theme of hand tailored in my life. Whether it is design, execution, or attitude (bed side manner), I want to provide, for clients, the feeling that they are getting even more than they knew they wanted. If anything, I am probably more of a psychologist than anything else.

I joke that my people skills, and the ability to read between the lines, are probably my two biggest skills; especially since everything else I can do can be learned.

And yes, I read read read.

Cheers, Chuck


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