On this subject of technique used in the adzing process, in my opinion and my experiences every different finish that presented itself required a different posture in order to not only do the job but to do it safely.
finishing the surface of a square timber was entirely different from adzing the surface of a newly laid floor of uneven boards. creating a seating on a timberframe again meant that the user of the adze had to get really down to work andremove paper thin shavings. As I stated in a previous post creating a gutter or a trough with a gutter adze meant that the adze had to be used differently. The barrel maker working with his specialty adze inside a curved surface, and the list goes on---
In my opinion once one has achieved a fair knowledge of the use of any tool be it an adze , broadaxe, slick, even a handsaw, one should be able to handle a new situation should it confront you, eventho you may not have actually had the opportunity to have did it at a prior time.
I can remeber saying to my father as I was learning the trade many years ago--"what if I have never done it before"--he quietly said--"you will have enough experience and knowledge to figure it out, do not worry", he also said during this conversation "when a real construction or other problem confronts you, just think very deeply about it and the answer will present itself--be careful"
I can honestly say that I never ran up against any problem that a solution would not come, and getting back to the adzing part of this conversation, many times I was confronted with historic restoration finishing problems that involved adzing, and had to be solved on site, it was at this time that I remembered my father's words--think, work and be careful.