I think this image both exemplifies Creep and the forces we sometimes ask of our framing greatly -

This Post had been two panel points in from the end of this bridges span, (so the load was not even as great as asked of the Posts farther from midspan) yet 150 yrs of constant load imparted from the Brace (compression diagonal) had slowly created this much deformation. Glare has the ruler unreadable but that string is at 1 ¾” at the Bottom Chord dap, (just above where it's pictured) and the braces CE is only 12 ¾” (½ way up that “joggle” that is the Braces abutment) above the Chords reciprocal dap which will buttress the load. Of course this ones problem is exacerbated by neglect and other extenuating circumstances, so this example is not representative of all Burr or MKP trusses. But it is super creeped out

Sorry about the techno-speak, can't think of a better / simpler way to describe it.

"We build too many walls and not enough bridges" - Isaac Newton
