While I am working on handles and |I| suppose generating some interest in handles in general and how they are created I might say that putting the curve in handles can be accomplished in many different ways
I generally look for a curved piece of rough stock, but for some this is not an option so i would like to share this small piece of additional commentary in regards to creating say a curved broadaxe handle
The early generations would never consider buying even a regular axe handle but rather create their own with the special curves and sweeps that were passed down for generations, and this would probably be a pattern that hung in the corner of the driveshed
In the case of broadaxe handles creating from a pattern would be the norm.
A rough blank slightly larger than the finished handle would be cut from a good straight grained plank and soaked in boiling water for maybe an hour or so to soften the wood fibres
The rough warm blank would then be secured in such a way (usually close to the end that enters the eye) so that as force was exerted on the opposite extreme end of the blank (usually using a rope twisted) it would create a curve in the handle to the offset that one usually worked with in most cases 3" off the flat of the handle. It is usual to create an additional .5" offset to allow for spring back when the rope is released in a month or so.
Properly done this curved handle will retain its curve and be really strong,
Many curved handles were made like this one that comes to mind is scythe handles with their many curves.