Wow, a whole month and no one has anything to say? I though Brad T-ed up a bunch of nice juicy slow pitch lobs that could have gotten smashed out of the park.

Not one thought about process versus result?

Are we all nuts like that?

A refusal to entertain the notion of using glue in structural applications doesn't get any response?

Not one philosophical musing about the futility of pursuing perfection?

No spirited linguistic splitting of hairs?

and most shocking of all, I get called out as a hacker and no one rushes to my rescue? And still with the take me at my word until I prove you wrong garbage. What, you guys want a DNA match and some blood samples?


Brad, I would love to see the cars you work on. I have a lot of respect for the patience it takes to do that at a high level. I spent a lot of time and money on a '72 Bronco, a long time ago, (not restored, but under the hood she was awesome) and I have a small inkling of how much work that takes. Thanks for taking the time to compose a post that raises so many interesting questions. Too bad no one seems to enjoy mental calisthenics here.

Cheers, Chuck

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