Craig, if you could post your reply here too, I'd be interested in where you start. I'd think structural post repair and any jacking and foundation work, quickly followed by patching any immediate roof leaks(tackle roof restoration down the road). Like you hear your inputs though Craig, or how you would break things down.
I don't know what Holister is, but maybe it's like Farm&Fleet down here? You just better have sharp chisels the next time I see you...I'll know enough to bring mine next time, and my sharpening stuff. laugh

Karl, man, I'd definitely have some use in mind if you are going to do this. Maybe building sealed, insulated, heated storage rooms witin the barn? Sealing the whole thing for your heated workshop? Spaces for you or your significant other to do hobbies, garden stuff, wood working, etc? Wedding reception hall? Or maybe start a small dairy or hobby farm with animals? Do you have farm equipment to store? I've got all kinds of ideas...but don't we all....just not enough money to do them all.

Last edited by brad_bb; 02/18/10 02:08 AM.