Gin-pole Enthusiasts,

Here is a link to a past thread that has some more photo and video links of a different and more recent barn raising with a gin pole.

The gin-pole it's self is a 32ft, green cut Red Pine with an 8"diameter butt, and is almost 5"at the top. I have a sawyer friend who volunteered at one of my past raisings, and I get my poles from him.

The gin-pole system that I use consists of:

1- 32ft Red Pine (green cut)

1- large pulley. (12" diameter)

1- set of 3 to 1 block and tackle. (6" diameter).

3- 100ft lengths of 3/4" braided nylon rope as guy wires (used by utility companies to pull and string cable.)

1- 100ft length of 3/4" braided nylon rope. (That goes through the pulley at the top of the gin-pole, that connects the load straps used for standing up the bents, to the block and tackle.)

1- 2"x36" nylon loop/choker strap. (To hang the top pulley from the pole)

3 or 4 gin-pole anchor points. (On the Schuster barn my anchor points were three large antique tractors that the customer owned and a large reticulating payloader which was overkill, but oh well!. They were heavy enough, and we could park them where ever we wanted to secure the 5 different placements of the gin-pole. At the more recent Bussey barn, I used custom built anchors made of 4x6 I-beam steel, that where dropped into 8"x 4ft holes in the ground...but depending on the site, I have even just tied the guy ropes to adjacent trees that were large enough.)

2- 4" x 20ft load cinch straps. (Connected to the tie-beam of the bent that is being stood up. Wrapping the strap around the tie-beam a few times before cinching allows you to adjust the length of the strap.)

1- large 3/4" clevis (To connect the two load straps to the pulley rope.)

1- Bullhook (Which is a custom built tool that allows a person to connect to a cable or rope at any point without kinking it. The harder you pull the stronger the connection, and very easy to undo when the pull is finished. .. old horse logging trick.)

I’ll post more instructions in later posts….I hope this helps.


Yah-fur-sur, You-betcha, Don't-cha-know!