I am thinking the $70K frame would be the cake mix and you only have to add the egg. The egg would be you finishing the frame after it is up. The modular home where the man/woman of the house would not lay a hand on it, would be like going to the pastry shop and picking up the cake. What you are doing is making the cake from scratch, possibly even growing the grain for the flour. I know I am really doing something after I put a frame up and finish it out.

The cake mix thing is real, it really happened that way. It is not just an analogy. I could find the google video if you want to see advertising for what it really is.

I wouldn't say the tree is wasted by the photo. Saw it out and use it for a smaller piece or maybe you can squeeze by with a little blemish on the timber, put it on a face which will get covered up.
