Brad, I have object snap on. Still, when dimensioning an embedded SU model in LO and there ara a number of corners (timbers, walls etc)on top of eachother, as often can be the case looking from top with parallell projection, the snap thing in LO chooses the topmost corner or line if the topmost thing is a line - meaning I can't easily get to the rafter tips because of exterior wall being higher up. So maybe I'll, in LO, have to rotate the emnedded model to catch the corner I wan't, but I heard that procedure is cumbersome for the computer - slow.
But I'll have another go, I haven't really given LO up just yet since I think it's great to have drawings easily updated when I change anything in my model..

Last edited by ekefjord; 03/04/10 05:05 PM.

Jonas Ekefjord