Yes yes yes, I "get it" everyone. I am sorry I ever brought it up. How can I apologize to you all. Is remorse even appropriate on a message board ?

I too am abhored by facets of my own idea. But if the guild is to advance and further their cause what else do you do. Live in the backwaters of obscurity and be happy and not sell out. Fine, then don't sell out or corrupt the precious sanctity of the craft. I can live with that too, really I can. I will stand shoulder to shoulder and "keep the rif-raf out" . Exclude exclude exclude away. Kind of sounds like the party of no, instead of the party of include include include.

If it's one thing I that always took away from seeing Joel Mcarthy on you tube, was that he is inclusive, funny, intelligent, philosophical and non-judgemental. Ask yourself - what would Joel do.

Bob Seger initially wasn't going to allow his song to be used by Chevy as I said. But yes you can take the counterpoint of "he sold out" and what could I say. Since I'm not his best friend how could I argue the point. Oh well, such is life. You would just have to take it on faith that it was true. And he did it for the right reason and not just for the money.But we live in a cynical world nowdays and the response is a normal human reaction. No problem with that, we are all entitled to our own view.

Thank goodness we live in America where at least for now - we all have the right to speak what we think and not be thrown in jail for posting an idea on a message board(however crappy that idea is)- yes you can throw stones at my idea all that you want. But I didn't happen to read any of your brilliant idea's in this post now did I. To "just say no" to another's idea isn't - enough, I challenge you to come up with and idea of your own and post it. That is the point of the excersise isn't it ?

thank you all for your honesty in telling me what you think and believe and if you didn't like my idea, that is ok. I am glad I am a paying member of the guild and it won't change my love of the craft and what the guild is about and what they do one little bit. Onward,respect and peace to you all, thank you.