I have to wonder how the laws of unintended consequence might fall into play. (like subsidizing every crackpot replacement window company by offering tax-credits to replace that hundred year old hand made sash with that argon-filled bugly vinyl thingy with the as yet unknown service life, or the environmental degradation being caused by new mining operations the world over in search of rare metals required for half ton Frankenstein batteries needed to power hybrid and plug-in cars) I've already seen more than once, perfectly sound and sometimes beautifully ornate 19th ca. interior woodwork removed and replaced with crappy clamshell casings and mopboards, simply because it removes the lead (and potential future liability) from the premises while disturbing it as little as possible. The irony is, it is now out there, somewhere in the world, perhaps doing far more harm, with the thousands of other similarly removed pieces in a similar condensed time frame, than had those pieces been left in place till the end of the much more time staggered service lives of the structures that housed them.

Here, Here. Thanks for this, some great words. Write, Will Truax, Write! Moving on to the links now..