I think a lot of us have changed our thinking over time to the practicality of efficient thermal design. Dwelling building started out that way many hundreds or thousands of years ago, and is now coming back with taking advantage of the Earth for heating and cooling and as a thermal mass, and taking the sun into account when it comes to design of facing direction, windows, eave length and height. Individual home builders are taking this more into account, big subdivision builders, much less so it would seem. But this housing bubble burst may allow the opportunity for some education so that the same type of building does not so readily come back when times get better. IF people can be educated enough so that the market demands better quality and more efficient design, it would change how many builders build. Will it happen significantly, don't know, but hope so. We'd hopefully see some better quality houses on the market rather than the match stick Vinyl covered throw away houses that they've build like crazy in my town. These houses are going to be pretty run down in 30 years I think, and no one will want to invest any money in them. Just an opinion.