Ken, English shipbuilding and Naval tradition owes a tremendous debt to the Danes and Norwegians who occupied half of Britain at one point. Many of the naval terms in the English language (and about 1/3 of the most common everyday words) are derived from Old Norse, such as starboard, bulkhead, Bulwark, and others. Even the word boat is apparently of ON origin. In addition, the Normans are descendants of Viking invaders who were bribed by a French king to settle in Normandy. As can be seen on the Bayeux Tapestry they preserved their Viking carpentry skills at least until the invasion.

As far as carpentry goes, Scarf, butt, window, scant, possibly rafter (ON raptr), and other terms are derived from or influenced by Old Norse.

I read once that the Norwegian Stave Churches are all coated in tar, and are re-coated periodically. This is perhaps key to their longevity in such excellent condition, such as ornate carvings retaining all of their details that date to around 1050 on Urnes Stave Church

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