We've been having an ongoing discussion with some of the folks at the National Center about the possibility of some of their people playing into a series of workshops we are planning to teach bridgwrighting methodologies (shoring, rigging and the subtleties of timber bridge carpentry) wrapped around the rehab of a bridge this coming year...

So, since it's there to see, I've been looking into what they do. Their research and their knowledge base, to help gather some sense of what we might learn from each other.

I came across an interesting video and thought some here might have interest, and thought I'd share. It offers a rare glimpse of a regional framing tradition and its enclosure system which even uses a form of wattle, though known in the local parlance as Batons or Rabots -

Bousillage - http://sn.im/120wm9

"We build too many walls and not enough bridges" - Isaac Newton
