Hi Chris,
Please consider joining the Guild as a first step, if you haven't already. The Guild has an apprenticeship program just starting up but we are currently only taking members working under an a Guild registered journeyworker. By joining the Guild you can stay up-to-date on the program, and be ready when we open it up to a larger pool. In the meantime, members get two free notices in the newsletter, Scantlings, and thus can put an "apprenticeship wanted"
notice and maybe get a someone to hire you.
If you don't know anyone to hire you, participating in Guild events is a good way to get known and build up some experience. Also, coursework at one of the schools is a good way to get some of that experience as well and you should consider it an investment. I run a summer program at Heartwood (www.heartwoodschool.com) that is intensive (we build a number of frames) and all four of our apprentices this year got jobs timber framing upon graduation.