I've just completed writing the first half of a volume in my Art of Japanese Carpentry Drawing series, this one being volume III. This first half covers 17 Japanese splicing/scarfing joints in detail, and the total volume will cover 30 joints, with variations, for a total of 60 joints. I thought posting about this might be of interest to the timber framing community.

It's not free, as I have hundreds of hours of work into it - that said, these essays are hardly what you might call a get-rich-quick scheme! I'm working on writing a multi-volume set on Japanese carpentry drawing, and I'm doing it in a piecemeal manner. Volume I and II were released at the beginning of this year.

If you want to learn more about the new volume, I've posted some details on my blog - here's the link:

The Art of Japanese Carpentry Drawing, Volume III

All the best to the TF community for 2011!


My blog on carpentry practice, East and West:
