Hello Everyone,

I believe I’ve been progressing with the use of sketchup and the timber frame rubies (made my first tenons and then I created shop drawings!), but I’ve got an issue I can’t quite figure out. I was toying with (this is where I made my mistake) different beam locations on my bent, so I thought “Hot dog, I’ll be a smart guy and use the outliner menu, hide the current location of the beams, create a new beam, make the new beam into a component and put them in the new locations on the bent.” This way I could also toggle between the two different configurations, hiding one set while looking at the other.

Well, now I cant unhide the old “hidden” beam. The beam name is still in the outliner, but it is not italicized (like it is supposed to be?) When I click to on the beam name on the outliner to edit it, all I have is the black dashed box with the red/green/blue axis. I think what I did is when I originally “hid” the component I actually hit the “erase” button (duhh), but I would like someone’s opinion before screwing something else up.

Thanks for all the help, it is greatly appreciated. It's nice to see what a piece of software can do, and actually begin to apply it to my own use!
