Hi Jim,

I downloaded a pdf version of the first two listed books above by Isham & Brown from The Internet Archive. For some reason I never seem able to download books from Google. The books that you reference are quite early (1908) in terms of their content and style and are a veritable treasure trove of building recordings which does indeed provide details of timber sizes, layout, etc. of first period East coast buildings.

I did my masters dissertation employing a similar styled book by architect Ralph Nevill on Old Cottage and Domestic Architecture in SW Surrey (1889), using his book as a benchmark from which I undertook a desk and field based research project to determine the size and extent to which buildings change over the centuries. This book can be downloaded from :-


as can the others that you referenced above by searching for Isham & Brown.

More links like this please.


Ken Hume

Looking back to see the way ahead !