Again on the subject on moisture intrusion from the inside.

There is one technique that is by no means modern and has been used in various countries where a plank infill has been employed to stop drafts and moisture travel. In this case, the thick plank is instead replaced by two thinner planks and in between them a layer of some type of wrapping is placed, traditionally this has been paper or linen soaked in tar or blubber, but today we could use a modern house wrap or plastic for the same purpose. In my dual plank system, the inner 1-1/2 plank could be replaced by 2 3/4 planks with a barrier between them.

In The Swiss Bohlenwand, there are at times 2 layers of planks with the cavity filled with sand. This as a favored construction technique for old prisons as the sand would deaden any sound and also produce a dense, hard to break wall.

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