*gasp* this thread has become spam land!

What is the current state of the guild wiki? I couldn't help but notice that it is currently offline. Is it to be restored, or is it gone? Such a thing would certainly be useful.

I notice too that the disadvantages section of the Wikipedia article on timber framing is strange, with some odd complaints.
It seems to refer mostly to the German tradition (Fachwerhäuser), but it appears to be written by someone who doesn't really like it that much. Interestingly I checked the German Wikipedia article on Timber Framing, and it has no such list of disadvantages. In fact it speaks highly of the practice in Germany, the clever adaptations to bring old buildings and methods up to modern standards, and speaks well of its survival into the future and practical use as a viable method in the future.

Was de eine ilüchtet isch für angeri villech nid so klar.