Hmm, can't say I'm not more than a bit envious of your acquisition, Jim. How long is the book? If it is not too long, is there any way you could make digital images of the whole, including the text, and send them my way? If you could do this, I am sure I could in exchange help you translate from the German, depending on how technical the text is.

A Bundstaender is a post that joins 2 walls together, and as such is generally a bit larger than the other wall posts. 'Bund' here having a meaning similar to the English bond, with which I am sure it is a cognate. From what I can tell, bundwerk is a kind of cross timbering, or timbers crossing at diagonals to from a repeating X pattern. Common on some gable walls, where it is easier to execute in some instances than a regular frame.

from the German Wikipedia, bundwerk

Last edited by D L Bahler; 03/13/11 09:28 PM.

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