And here are 2 of the 4 ridges cut into the 3 common valleys. The other two ridges and the two bastard valleys are outside and we won't be able to cut the two systems together until we have completed the common valley setup in the shop.

Once we had the ridges in, we could concentrate on the common jack rafters. Since two of the ridges are outside, with the bastard jack raffters, we couldn't cut everything in the shop, but we could cut the Entry and Garage side common jacks, as well as the tails of the Bedroom and Kitchen jacks.

This video shows the Garage and Entry rafters completed and the Bedroom and Kitchen rafters set in space, ready for scribing. We had to make temporary ridges for them, to hold them at the correct pitch/height so we could ensure that the two systems would go together correctly, outside. Lots of transit and calculator work during setup, as you can imagine.

Last edited by Chuck Gailey; 06/21/11 12:43 PM.

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