I was recently at a tool fair in Miki, Japan, and was shopping for chisels. Got a few chisels and after buying a slick, kind of noticed a guy who went from store store checking out slicks. He looked like a pro, and kept going to the same store and finally bought two slicks that were twice as much as I paid for mine. They looked the same to me.

I am new to timber framing and tools, so what should one look for when buying chisels?

I also noticed that some chisels look like they are made with "black steel" and others with white steel ( looked like stainless steel). The white steel seems to be more expensive is it correct? Why?

If the white steel is harder, can it still be sharpened with water stones?

Sharpening is also an art that I would love to master.


Last edited by treizea; 12/09/11 11:10 PM.