Those are some good points.

My first decision was to not insulate the barn, largely because of the reasons you mention, Jim. Then, as the weather started getting colder, I realized I'm really not going to be out here much at all if I don't insulate it - proving that decisions about whether or not to insulate should not be made during the warmer months.

I do know that I will definitely spend more time out there if there's a way to maintain a reasonable temp, and honestly I'm tired of freezing cold tools, rust forming in the spring when the weather starts to warm, this point I feel the benefit of heating/insulating outweighs the cost, and wish I had seriously considered the subject earlier.

I agree that foam panels may or may not be the best thing from an environmental standpoint, so I'm off in just a few minutes to check out what they have available at an outfit that sells used foam panels - it keeps them out of landfills, they're 50-70% cheaper than new, and by continuing to use them I'll give them a better shot at "paying back". At least I'm not buying new, and I feel good about that.

Thanks for the replies guys,