Some time ago Pillar posted this question to which no answer was ever given.

"The TFG website states "The Traditional Timberframing Research and Advisory Group (TTRAG) was organized in 1990 as a special-interest group within the Timber Framers Guild, to focus on the documentation, repair, preservation, reconstruction and reproduction of historic timber framing".

Suppose one would like to learn about timber frame barns built in New York state in the early 1800's. How could one get access to this information? For example, survey results including information such as wood species, dimensions, frame design, joinery, photos, etc. Does a database with this information exist, is this information available to the public? In what format is the information available?
Thanks, Chip"

I too would like to know and understand more about what information is potentially available to TTRAG members and public alike ?


Ken Hume

Looking back to see the way ahead !