What a great response Don I thank you very much, it addresses every point that I asked for claification, and I am sure that those looking in enjoyed the response as much as I did.
I wanted to point out to everyone that it is very big difference in looking at a picture, and really look at a picture, that is one thing I learned throughout my career, it is the fences, the roads the clothing, the animals, equipment and the list goes on that makes a picture or a painting very interesting.
I remember one time I needed to prepare a very accurate display for events that we would be staging for a number of years and one of the items was sawhorses for the timberframers to use. These had to be accurate to the period and had to be reconstructed a very costly venture in today's world.
I began by looking through old photographs, and paintings that our museum had in storage and the library. After looking in many areas and just about giving up I ran across a very old painting of tradesmen at work and low and behold there was a lovely view of the sawhorses they were using.
So from that I was able to pass on details to the construction division and I had 6 reproduced that were real treasures as far as strength, durability, height, width, and most of all each one had a nice shelf on which one could use to lay tools on when not in use. After approx 20 years now they are still in use and going strong
I guess I have a real interest in saw horses when I was very young My dad built 2 sets when he was building the barn in 1946, I remember him telling me that when he was working as an apprentice to become a full fledged carpenter, one of the first tasks that he had to master was to build a proper sawhorse.
I want to stress that these weren't just the ordinary sawhorses but after completion and you stood back, you really knew that a craftsman had did the job. These horses are still kicking around but starting to show their age