Well I've hewn my first beam:



I was surprised that it was cutting the notches that was the most work. I can see why people use chainsaws. Obviously I've got a lot to learn but for a first attempt its ok. There are a few spots where I notched a bit too enthusiastically which is a result of so many utube videos saying that people don't notch deep enough. Even though I was careful my axes hit the ground way too much.

I also found it hard to secure the log. The dog I'm using is actually a boot scraper but it has two pointy ends and is about the right length. The other dog is just a piece of wood with two tech screws. The log tended to move in the direction of my axe blows so I tried angling the dogs to counter this but it didn't seem to work. It was ok when I stood on the log but the handles on my axes are a bit short for that and it was much more comfortable when I was standing on the ground with the log on 4" bearers.

As always when using a new set of tools I have blisters in all sorts of surprising places. The most painful of which is on the BACK of my right thumb.