
Well I'll just explain how I mixed it up and put in on then. The surprising thing is the entire hoax of the wood surface coatings industry which in the most cases sells those who patronize an inferior product along with creating untold, and unpaid for, environmental damage and costs. On the face of it I can put the clean-up and what's left over from this paint on my garden.
We begin so...

"Rinderblut - am Montag,Serum - am Donnerstag abgeschöpft."
1l of this blood
30dl serum
1/4kg slaked lime
1/2kg natural iron oxide pigment
30ml lime water
and about 1 tbs ox gall extract

It was my first time with this mixture so I didn't know what to expect but I have used what is called kookverf here which is a boiled rye flour based paint and it came out looking similar, that is, thick and, well, fluffy. If this is troublesome to you maybe drop a couple tablets of Alka Seltzer® in there.

Once the binder is mixed up it can be given a color and that's what I am doing in the video up there . It's handy to know before hand how much pigment goes in instead of trying to slowly bring it to the right color. That's one of the most time consuming things about paint making.

Like I said, it is thick in consistency so putting it on means rubbing it in, but it does give an excellent cover in one coating. It did darken a bit in the first weeks afterwords.


Don Wagstaff

Last edited by D Wagstaff; 07/11/12 02:32 PM.