If you use oil-based paint,

have a quick look some time at what those solvents do to your brain cells.

If you use water based paint,

have a look at what poisons they put in them to stop spoilage in a concoction that would other wise be a haven for mold and bacteria.

If you make your own paint, spoilage isn't a concern because you make what you need, and as Don points out if you have extra, throw it on your garden.

But natural coatings are all but impossible to sell commercially, because they don't have the shelf life or the ease of use of modern polymer-based paints.

And by the way, vinyl chloride, which is in just about any polymer paint (you know it in the form of poly vinyl chloride, or PVC or just vinyl) is a known and highly potent carcinogen.

I'm a big fan of not using deadly poison to paint my house...

Don brings out the environmental concerns, a valid point depending on where you are, much more valid in more settled areas of the world, or areas where people tend to be careless about how they handle chemicals, like China. My concern is the personal hazard, one we are apt to ignore for some odd reason.

Last edited by D L Bahler; 07/12/12 03:54 PM.

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