Yes, valid point on the way tools shape people. On reason I gave up on Stanley Sharp Saws, some dim whit put a large hole on the end of the saw for the user to get his gentle guiding fingers caught in. A contributing factor leading me to take up pull saws. I have an old laminated, deep mortice, Underhill. but it just doesn't do what my Barr does for me.

And now it goes to the dogs... Pyrenees are not all white, many have wolf markings, pigment spots in the skin making the hair grey or brownish in spots, typically ears show these off colors, as I mentioned previously. Also the nose is suppose to be all black, we have had two with rose/pink colored noses and one with wolf markings and true black nose, and he was a big goof to boot. They are guard animals and not heard oriented. They have the most wonderful deep bark. Tia is now shedding, I can pull out the prime under coat by the bag full, in long strings. I have a hat made from such fiber and in the winter when it gets wet it smells like a dog.