
I was waiting for that one because I'm no Stanley expert, (I own a Clifton version, new though) Miller Falls also made one - don't know who was first. It looks like one of the basic combination planes. Would that be a 45 or 55 since one was more elaborate than the other? Since your focused down there you might as well know that the shoe question gets more puzzling with the discovery of yet another pair of loose shoes. Huh- with one pair I thought it odd but maybe a fluke, but two pair of shoes nobody is wearing? What does that mean?

Maybe Roger is wise to stick to the objective evidence but to me the two outer members of the crew clearly share DNA.

Could the type of fence help with location? Maybe not unrelated to a date in time either.


Don Wagstaff

Make that 3 pair of shoes if I'm not wrong, for a total of 6 shoes - and counting.

Last edited by D Wagstaff; 10/28/12 04:40 PM. Reason: Additional facts revealed.