Originally Posted By: Housewright
Hi Ken;

I think a slab would work for you but I am not an engineer. My advice is to hire a engineer. I think adding 3x3x3 footings under a slab would add enough cost that an engineer's fees would be well worth it. It sounds like you really need an engineers stamp anyway. We are fortunate to have a number of engineers who are very knowledgeable about traditional timber framing in the Guild and they are probably your best bet for foundation and frame design.

Take care;


I have to say that I agree with your comment. I was thinking the same thing about getting a engineer to help out with the project. Based on the research I did last night, a 12" wide with 16" deep at the edge with 4" thick slab would be sufficient because that is anywhere between 3,500 to 5,000 PSI depending on how much cement is mixed into the concrete.

The thing is that I know I do not need a permit to build up to 24'x32' shop but I am not sure about the living quarter above the shop as part of the structure so I plan to check with the inspector today. Another issue would be insurance whether I can obtain a policy for having a 16x24 shop with living quarter if there was no building permit but the electric/sewer permit? I have emailed the insurance agent about that and waiting on reply.

Thanks for helping out!