Hi, yes, same company. If you look at the bottom of the main page, click on "other equipment". They call it a "timber framers fence". I agonized over buying this thing ($1800 bucks), but am VERY happy with it. I use it just.as the picture shows. I was concerned that the saw body, handle and trigger are so high on the tool raising the centre of gravity when you push, but it works fine. There is an auxiliary handle on the base that helps as well. The advantage of this attachment is you can mount any chainsaw with any depth of cut. The cut is very clean, but you have to score the top surface of the timber. Two hands is a good idea, so a clamped guide (chunk of plywood) is recommended. The ligna tool, as well as the mafell have capacity limits. This thing is wide open. I'll let you know how it works with a 32" blade, lol. (I will be wearing a steel athletic cup).Obviously I would like the mafell with the carbide chain too, it would be stored behind glass on an alter.