Hi Bob,

Can't wait to here what you deliver after your "ideas" gestate for awhile. wink As you can tell from the posts there are many options and opinions.

I took a TF class a year ago where it seems to me the taper of the pegs was very long, and upon knocking them in, seems they did not contact the far side of the cheek at all, but perhaps I'm incorrect.

Bob, I would guess that you are not incorrect. This seems to be a trend in some areas and I believe a result of break in lineage. There are many nuances to the craft of timber framing and unless you are fortunate enough to have apprenticed with traditional timber wrights and/or done extensive historical work, these subtleties are often lost. Like trunnel techniques. Folks have kind'a developed there own methods.

Once again, good luck and keep us up to speed on your progress,

Regards, jay