Lay-out from a center line has been the norm here from the 13th century called hartlijn.
I know in Dutch that "hartlijn" means center line or axis. Can you present any online resources in Dutch showing its use? Now I really need to know more about that date of the 1200 CE and how you arrived at that. It supports some of my findings about trade with Asia during the first have of the Current Era. The Vikings did probably the most, some are even buried with effigies of the Buddha so we know they traded that far. The also had metal blades that exceed their technology at the time but was found in the Middle East and Asia, which of course they soon perfected and advanced.

Would you say that Line method "hartlijn" is your preferred method now? If so, please explain it in your words why you think it is superior. I would love to know your thoughts on it.

I guess the greasy ink was basically water and soot.
I have heard of this but what my mentors used had a very light oiliness to it. Almost like sumi ink but not as refined.

About all I can say concerning my experience is I am 100% autodidact as a carpenter with a variety of background sources and have always worked alone.
If you did not have mentors, what was the background sources that have aided you the most? Do you believe that rediscover from an unknown position can often be more reveling than if you read about it or where shown?

Thank you for your input,

