Hello Jay,

The simple answer is this, it is not the case that there are no people doing timber framing in the Netherlands, it's just that they would call themselves carpenters the same way people building an office building or standard houses, would call themselves carpenters.

There are in fact many, what to my sense of the matter is, exceptionally talented people restoring windmills, church towers, farm complexes, all that kind of thing here. You see my point was more about labels than activity in reacting to what you said about, so called "picaroons" not being a timber framing tool, both in fact, picaroons and timber framing, are constructs or made up concepts with more or less meaning depending on where, in space and time, you happen to be. A picaroon, here in Holland, does not exist or is at least irrelevant. That is not to say there is not a tool on a stick with a bird-head-looking point for grabbing logs, if you understand what I mean.


Don Wagstaff