Some times, timber framers have a life outside of timber framing. It may come as a shock to some to reveal that timber framing does not totally occupy my time.

Right now, along with my brother, I am in the long and arduous process of starting a new business.
A business that does not involve timber framing full time.
It's not that I don't love this craft, and it's not that I don't hope to continue to pursue it and to expose new (old) methods to craftsmen around the country. It's that I want to do something I have always wanted to do since I was little, while still being able to pursue timber framing. In other words, I want to have my cake and eat it too.
And I've found, I think, the ticket.

Right now, I'm building up our farm and redirecting its focus. I'm starting a cheese-making business, which will eventually involve having our own small dairy herd (a mere 8 head)
The focus will be on tradition and natural approaches. The cows will eat grass and natural fodder, the cheeses will have no unnatural ingredients. They are made by hand, washed, and aged for up to 3 years. All is done according to the methods and practices I learned in the Swiss Alps.

All of our facilities will be built to replicate Swiss architecture. Not cheesy facades and trim to make fake Chalets, like some companies have done. This is the real deal. I learned how to build things in Switzerland, so I am going to do things the right way. What's more, the facilities are intentionally built in archaic styles. Part of the overall vision is to, eventually, have a small museum on the grounds to display what life was like several centuries ago. (We haven't really decided a time to pick, so we have been very allowing by building structures that could fit as early as the late Middle Ages)

So of course, timber framing is essential to the business itself since I will have to frame all of these structures.

But timber framing as a profession will not end for me. I still hope to do it. I hope to be able to cut frames when I'm not making cheese.

This community means a lot to me. I thought I would let you all know what I am heading into. Unfortunately, the reality of starting a business makes it difficult to travel to conferences and other guild events

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