Trucking turned into a bit of a debacle. On the first bunch of long logs, there was no machine access, so the plan was to hire a truck crane and take everything in two or three tractor trailer loads. Someone decided they were going to be cheap and not hire the crane. Instead they came with a big payloader and had nowhere to operate it in the woods. They had to pick one log off the pile and back the loader into the woods, then back the TT off the road and load one log, then pull it back into the road and repeat. Only the first log rolled over the log stakes onto the ground on the other side. Then, when they finally got it loaded, the trailer slide off the woods road into the gate post, and they had to pull it back into the woods with the loader. There were more calamities related to this simple loading project. In the end, it took two weeks to get two loads home, and probably twice what it would have cost to hire the crane. Where I was working at the time we had a payloader that would lift 25,000 pounds, and a Lull that would lift 6,000. Now that I own the mill, I use my Kubota L48 for most jobs, but have access to a different Lull for the big stuff. In June I cut some white oak as big as the one the skidder is latched on to. I had to drag them in front of the mill and lift one end with the mill loader and the other with the Kubota. The timbers where no problem for the Kubota once they were sawn out.

Member, Timber Framers Guild