hi everyone,

just started working on a small outdoor structure, framed with green white oak. i have a boring machine and a low rpm drill but am having lots of trouble. in the boring machine i've tried a 1 1/2" bosch spur auger bit, i made it to the bottom but barely moving with all my might after about 3" depth. I tried that same bit in a low rpm drill and again after a couple inches it jams up, the bit got really hot and the spur chipped. i then have been using a milwaukee bit with the saw tooth edges, i believe its for a hole hawg, and that kinda works but it gets super hot and i have to pull out and clear chips/clean the bit every inch at least. and this is all with clear wood, no knots in sight.

also in the course of drilling peg holes, also with low rpm drill and auger bits, i bent two bits, one long one and one short 8" one, and got one stuck that had to be wrenched loose with a socket wrench and 6 foot pipe.

do people use special bits for hardwood? or have them sharpened specially at a different angle? kinda stumped here and would appreciate any insights or advice. other info is that im using a dewalt low rpm drill, not a high-end model...maybe i need more power?

thanks for reading
Jon Santiago