hello everyone tonight

Just a little something about cedar

One year a few moons ago our restoration division decided to pull out the old shingle saw from storage and cut a quantity of cedar shingles for a roof replacement

The cedar had been cut into 18 inch bolts and by the time we got around to actually sawing them it was mid winter, Well let me tell you the frozen cedar did not cut well, just like cutting into oak, so the morale of this story is don't let the cedar freeze before trying to work with it.

One thing that we did settle was this--there was quite a discussion at that time about how much horsepower it took to drive a shingle saw, some said that it was run with a 2 horse treadmill, some said that it was run with a sweep power-these machines could accommodate 4 horses, I at that time knowing what I know about circular blades having to rotate at a certain speed and be kept there when under load said that I felt the machine had to be driven with a steam engine preferably about 30 to 40 horsepower

Well we enlisted a Massey 35 diesel (35) hp to power the shingle saw, and it took all its power to drive it
