Thanks to all who have provided feedback. I certainly appreciate the concern for safety. That is actually one of the reasons why I've been leaning toward the rental vs hiring crane and operator. I like to take my time with these sorts of things and don't want the overriding pressure of an operator on the clock pressing things ahead at a pace I'm not comfortable with.

As one who grew up in the Vermont farming tradition, I am a generalist who is no stranger to heavy equipment. I've been running a variety of machines since my legs and arms were long enough to reach the controls. My buddy John (Deere) has been a reliable companion, as have been the many friends and family who've helped with raisings in the past. For this particular project, a 30 x 40 Monitor style barn, my primary concern is at the ridge. It is a common rafter design with pentagonal ridge beams spanning the principal trusses (splined together across the principal truss king posts). The telehandler or carry-deck crane seemed like good options to get those frame components in place atop the monitor.

Thanks again for your feedback, and I especially appreciate the words from those who've had direct experience with the machines.


~Kevin Rose
Northern Vermont