hello everyone tonight

These 4 Supports (WSGS) Are very unusually shaped units---2 on each side of the unit

These are manufactured out of a solid block of oak that would measure about 8" wide --4"thick, and for now about 20" long--this is going to get difficult to describe but I am going to try--

Laying it on the work bench on its flat side, you will lay out an "L" shape--The long leg of the "L" will be 2.5" thick and the short leg 6" thick--

You can rough the shape out , I advise you if you are using a band saw and are coming up the long segment to make a nice rounded corner as you turn along the short segment, this will give the whole unit strength against shear failure along grain lines in the wood

Now as we move forward a little finish work is in order--using hand tools chamfer (all) the corners of the long part, and follow around only on the top of the short leg

I personally like to see additional rounding on the top of the short segment to give it a pleasant appearance, and the rounding should be sanded and finished nicely--the rounding about a 3" radius is recommended--

Now on the end of the long segment there should be a small amount of tapering, because this long part will be passing through the vertical timber support, and out through the opposite side, and this slight tapering will facilitate its movement when the time comes

Now comes another tricky part and will require diligence on the part of the person doing the work--this is not for the faint of heart for sure--you will see--------------

